West Hull ARLFC vs St Helens: Everything You Need To Know
All of the key information for the Betfred Challenge Cup Round 3 tie between West Hull ARLFC and St Helens can be found below.
Supporters who purchased tickets through hullkr.co.uk/tickets will have been sent an email from Ticketmaster (noreply@ticketmaster.co.uk).
Tickets are 'Print at Home' PDF's but don't worry, you don't need to print your ticket as the scanners will be able to scan you in from the attachment on your smartphone. Please turn your brightness up to 100% when at the turnstiles.
Stadium Entry
Turnstiles 7 and 8 will be used for West Hull ARLFC supporters, and turnstiles 9 and 10 will be used for St Helens.
Entry through turnstiles will be available from 1pm
Pay on the gate will be available.
West Hull ARLFC supporters have unreserved general admission across the One Point West Stand and the Colin McNicol Well. St Helens supporters have been allocated unreserved seating in Blocks A and B of the RSV North Stand.
Cashless Stadium
Sewell Group Craven Park is a cashless stadium. If you would like to purchase food, drink or tickets at the event, please bring a debit or credit card.
Food and Drink
Craven Streat will not be open for this game, however food and drink will be available to purchase in the North and West kiosks.
Parking is available in the One Point West Stand Car Park on a first come first served basis priced at £5 per car – this will also be card only.