As it happened...Rhinos win with clinical second-half

As it happened...Rhinos win with clinical second-half

Jez Litten looks for a gap against Leeds Rhinos

A clinical second-half from Leeds Rhinos gave them them the win over Hull KR as the Robins now look to Round One. Here's the game as it happened...

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The Game

KICK OFF: Handley goes short and Roberts collects but there's an error at the play the ball!

We have the ball on our 30.


Hiku looks long on a slick play down the left and sells the dummy to fly through under the posts!

Peta adds the two. (1/1)

Leeds Rhinos 0 - 6 Hull KR

4' CLOSE! We head down the left edge again but Hall can't take in the final pass.

6' Try for Leeds. Lachlan Miller takes a ball behind him from Croft on the overlap and crosses just to the right of the posts.
Martin misses. (0/1)
Leeds Rhinos 4 - 6 Hull KR

10' GLDO. Hiku's kick-off goes out on the full and the Rhinos are on our line.

Hall bats it dead and it's a drop-out conceded.

12' Penalty to Leeds. Opacic catches Roberts high in the last gasp tackle and the hosts are back in our 30.

14' Error from Leeds near our line and we have the ball back!

It's a strong set to halfway towards Leeds' line before Butterworth nails a kick out of dummy half to put Miller on his 30.

16' Messy end to the set from Leeds as we force the turnover on halfway!

A strong set on the Rhinos' line with Lewis and May both searching for a gap.

20' Close. We spread the ball to the left but Hall can't take in the final ball.

Leeds come out of their own end and Butterworth has took a knock to the head.

21' Interchange. Litten comes on for Butterworth with Reiss undergoing a HIA.

22' PENALTY! Sangare is penalised as players from both sides run in.

The penalty now put deep into Leeds' territory. We're now camped on the Rhinos' line!


Jai Whitbread crashes over from Lewis' ball after sustained pressure on Leeds' line. Great try for the forward.

Hiku adds the two! (2/2)

Leeds Rhinos 4 - 12 Hull KR

26' SIN BIN. It's back to back penalties against Leeds with Sangare involved in both and the prop is sent to the bin!

27' A first today! Opacic looked to have been over in the corner but we head to the remote video referee.

No try!

28' Double interchange. Sue and Aydin are on for Hadley and Whitbread.

Strong first stint from Dean and Jai

32' We survive back to back sets on our own line from Leeds before Ryan Hall charges up the pitch from the restart after a Rhinos' error in the corner!

36' So CLOSE! Opacic looks to storm in down the right wing but he's put a foot in touch.

Opacic has moved to the wing with Hiku at centre and Evalds now at fullback!

Half-time: We lead by 8 points at the break!

40' Hiku kick us back off and we meet Sangare on his 20!

Strong set from Leeds before Hiku takes in the deep kick and we start our first attacking set of the second half.

44' Potential Leeds' try. Leon Ruan looks to have charged over following the penalty. We now head to the bunker.

The try is given with the necessary checks on Ruan grounding the ball.

Martin converts. (1/2)

Leeds Rhinos 10 - 12 Hull KR

45' PENALTY! We're in the arm wrestle with the hosts as Hiku looks to get the Robins moving but there's interference at the play the ball.

47' CLOSE. Ryan Hall spins out of dummy half before finding Corey Hall with the offload.

Hall chips cross field looking for May but Miller sweeps the kick up on his own line. Turnover for Leeds.

48' Leeds hammer the kick just over halfway on the last and we'll start our set on the 40.

Storton comes on for Sue ahead of the restart.

50' End to end at AMT Headingley! Leeds' survive on their own line before heading up to our line. Opacic stops a Leeds move on the left and it's a scrum to the hosts.

51' SHOT! May races out of the line and nails Miller looking to go left.

52' Try for Leeds. Ned McCormack crosses in the corner on the back of a left hand overlap for the hosts to take the lead.

Martin misses. (1/3)

Leeds Rhinos 14 - 12 Hull KR

53' Penalty for Leeds. May catches a Leeds man with a high shot. The hosts march upfield.

55' Try for Leeds. Gannon pounces on a smart kick from the Rhinos.

Martin adds the two. (2/4)

Leeds Rhinos 20 - 12 Hull KR

57' Try for Leeds. The Rhinos go back to back with O'Connor flying through a gap before finding Croft for the score.

Martin converts. (2/5)

Leeds Rhinos 26 - 12 Hull KR

58' Lewis' restart heads towards the sidelines and Leeds' fumble the ball into touch!

Gorman, Whitbread and Batchelor are on for Hiku, King and Hall.


Gorman takes in a smart offload from Tyrone May on the back of the fumble from Leeds at the restart!

Gorman converts! (1/1)

Leeds Rhinos 26 - 18 Hull KR

62' Back to back six agains by Leeds give us the ball on the host's ten.

The ball is spread to Gorman on the last but it's a turnover for the Rhinos.

63' The pressure keeps building on Leeds' line but Storton can't take in the crash ball on the right.

There's an issue in backplay with Litten and O'Connor as both sides run in.

63' The pressure keeps building on Leeds' line but Storton can't take in the crash ball on the right.

There's an issue in backplay with Litten and O'Connor as both sides run in.

65' KNOCK ON! Sangare spills the ball forward and Tennison, having just come on, finds Gorman on the break!

Fishwick comes on with Tennison for Hadley and Aydin.

67' We spill the ball close to Leeds' line. The Rhinos now heading into our half looking for a gap on our right edge.

75' Close. Now back in possession, May spreads it on the last and moves the ball to Evalds and then Gorman but the right edge can't find a gap.

FT: The Rhinos edge out Hull KR, 26 - 18.

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